2010年12月5日 星期日

只吃水果的超馬跑者:麥可.阿恩斯坦(Michael Arnstein)

在美國,有一群嚴苛的素食者,完全不吃熟食,只吃水果,自稱為「水果主義者」(Frutarian)。麥可.阿恩斯坦(Michael Arnstein)正是其中一位,下面是翻譯自丹尼爾.畢克曼(Daniel Beekman)記者採訪阿恩斯坦的專訪(出處:TheFruitarian.com),分享出來,讓大家了解一下這種特殊的生活方式:每天吃13公斤的水果!!!

超馬跑者──麥可.阿恩斯坦(Michael Arnstein)個人簡介

    • 最喜歡在布隆克斯區(Bronx,紐約市最北的一區)的Van Cortlandt公園跑步。
    • 最喜歡的零嘴是:一大堆柳丁。
    • 最喜歡的書是:《80,10,10》(國峰暫譯。這本書是由一個國外知名的教練寫成,他認為耐力運動員80%要攝取碳水化合物,10%的蛋白質與10%的脂肪)
    • 最崇拜的英雄:美國籍超馬跑者迪安.卡拿斯(Dean Karnazes)



不只如此,阿恩斯坦在日常生活中與跑步時所吃進身體的燃料也很特別。他是一位「水果主義者」,他只吃未加工的水果和蔬菜,他說,「我從曼哈頓跑到熊山州立國家公園(Bear Mountain State Park),純粹只是為了好玩,而且過程中只吃水果當做補給(國峰譯注:這段路可是有45英里,也就是72公里)。」







在改變飲食習慣之後,阿恩斯坦開始每天靠雙腳通勤。他從威斯特郡(Westchester County)邊緣的家,穿過馮科特蘭公園(Van Cortlandt Park)、因伍德公園(Inwood Park)、河岸州立公園(riverbank State Park)、河濱公園(Riverside Park)和中央公園(Central Park)。他每天要大約花兩個小時跑這段16英里的路(25.6公里),其中有14.5英里(23.3公里)是自行車道,「我一點也不覺得無聊,」他說。





Fruit-Fuled Feet

by Dinel Beekman

Michael Arnstein

    • Farorite Place to run in the Bronx: Van Cortlandt Park
    • Favorite prerace snack: Lots of oranges
    • Favorite book: The 80 10 10
    • Running hero: Ultramarathon runner Dean Karnazes
FOR THIS Bronx runner, Sunday’s 2010 ING New Yor City Marathon was no sweat.
That’s because Michael Arnstein commutes every weekday by marathon, running the 16 miles from his Riverdale home to midtown Manhattan – and back.
“I spend my day in front of a computer screen,” said the 33-year-old Web developer. “Running is the closest I get to nature.”
Arnstein is no ordinary runner. He competes in grueling races of up to 100 miles, called ultramarathons.
Not only that, Arnstein runs on an unsual fuel. As a “fruitarian,” he eats only raw fruit and some vegetables, he said. “I run from midtown Manhattan to Bear Mountain State Park [in Orange County] for fun, just eating fruit.”
The married father of three ran his first marathon in high school. “When you run a marathon, you realize how powerful your body and mind are,” he said, “I was hooked.”
For nearly a decade, Arnstein trained to run a marathon in less than 2.5 hours. He spent hundreds of dollars every month on supplements and pills, all to no avail.
Then three years ago, Arnstein took a chance on a radical diet. It sounded bananas.
“I read a book about fruitarianism.” It sounded insane,” he said. “But fruits really have everything you need.”
Arnstein said he devours 30 pounds of fruit every day – as many as 30 oranges, five cantaloupes, a watermelon and a salad with 5 pounds of tomatoes. The New Jersey native stands 5-feet-4 and weighs 117 pounds.
“I have 3% body fat and I’m ripped,” he said. “I can run for 24 fours without stopping.”
Soon after changing his diet, Arnstein began commuting b foot. He jogs from his house near the Westchester County border through Van Cortlandt Park, Inwood Park, riverbank State Park, Riverside Park and Central Park. The trip takes about two hours each way. “Of the 16 miles, probably 14.5 are on bike trails or in parks,” he said. “”It’s never boring.”
Running so much helped Arnstein reach his goal, a marathon in less than 2.5 hours. Now he’s an ultramarathon runner with four Hwaii Ironman races and the Leadville 100 race under his belt.
He ran Sunday’s marathon in 2 hours, 41 minutes, placing 147th out of more than 45,000.
His wif now runs marathos and ultramarathons too, but demanded Arnstein eat a normal restaurant diner on their 10th wedding anniversary.
Friends warned him that so much running and so much fruit could hurt his body. But the self-described “psycho” says he hasn’t been sick or injured in threes years. “I cannot catch a cold,” he said. “I’m superhuman.”

